Video Messages


We have a series of three video messages that we hope will fuel your appetite for more:

1) Palm Sunday (5 Apr 2020) – The Unexpected King / Rev Dr Desmond Soh
Jesus of Nazareth entered Jerusalem as the promised Messiah and Saviour of the world. But He was rejected by the Jews and the Romans.

2) Good Friday (10 Apr 2020) – The Cross and the Covid Crisis / Kenneth Wong
As was prophesied, Jesus was not only rejected,l He was mocked, tortured, despised and was crucified on the Cross. Upon His head was pressed a cruel crown of thorns by His mockers.

Between Good Friday and Sunday, His Body was laid in a tomb.

3) Easter Sunday (12 Apr 2020) – The Crown and the Coronavirus / Kenneth Wong (released for public viewing from 12 noon)
Again as prophesied, Jesus resurrected in the early morning of Sunday. By doing so, He proved that all HE taught and did were true. He is risen. He has conquered death.

After His resurrection, He appeared to His disciples over a period of 40 days. Then He ascended, promising all His disciples then and now, that He will return to rule as King of Kings, and to be the Judge of the whole world.

May the God of Heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and believe in Jesus the Messiah, bless you with understanding and grace to believe. In believing you will be saved.

Elder Yoong YS